Barfus Geneology

Grandfather John Barfus worked at farming in the old country of Switzerland. He was born August the tenth eighteen twenty nine, in the county of Bern Switzerland.

Elizabeth Ashbocher was born Oct 27 1844, as a girl she had to work hard. The Swiss girls of the poorer familys had to work hard, cutting the hay with a scythe was part of their portion and they worked hard all day. Many times grandmother has told me how happy they were in their work and how the girls always sang at their work. In 1872 she married John Barfus and later they joined the church. Like Grandfather Young she was the only one of her family who joined the much despised Mormons. Grandmothers friends shunned her and Grandfathers chums called him bitter names. When his working companions learned he had joined the church, three of them planned to wait for him in the path and kill him as he came from work. The night arrived and when the three were preparing to leave for the ambush, a dreadful affliction came to them. One died instantly and the other two died within the week. Their former friends wouldn't sell them what they needed so they decided to leave their happy little home which was suddenly so cold. In spite of all they endured they knew they were doing right. They borrowed the money from Mrs.Ashbocker and prepared for their trip. People wouldn't even buy their furniture or belongings because they were mormons. So gathering together their three children and Mrs. Ashbocher they sailed in 1882 for the land of the free, knowing nothing of its customs or language; knowing not of its people or where they would go. They came, following trustfully the church they had so late adopted.

They landed in 1882 in New York, their clothes strange. Mother was a baby of six months. They came on the railroad to Providence, Utah. There were many people of their own nationality there and they were among friends. People brought them vegetables and food for the winter. They had high hopes for future success, but a man named Egly who had plans for himself only, came down to Providence. He told them if they would come to Mink Creek he would give them a house and help them get a start. If they would help him work. Lured by his clever words and glowing promises they left their friends and followed him to Glencoe. After he got them there he gave them a dug out with a dirt roof to live in. He tried to persuade Grandmother to go with him but she refused. He tried to impress her by telling her the church willed it but she remained steadfast and she and Grandfather prayed steadily. Winter came and when he could not force Grandmother to go with him. He took out the windows of their shanty and tried to force them into submission by cruelty. At last the oldest child about nine years old, walked in snow up to her waist five miles to the Bishop, pleading for their salvation. He moved them to Mink Creek to the only house available. This was a rickety old shack which let the water in in streams when it rained. Two old parasols were placed over the children's bed when it rained to protect them.

They were at a great disadvantage in Mink Creek. The language was strange the people and customs like wise. They worked hard but all their money had to go for their children. They couldn't make enough to go back to Providence. I suppose the only pleasure they had in those days was when Mr. Egly was caught staying with the wife of a respected citizen and a group of men drug him on a rope down a rocky creek bed.

The Bishop then was not above crooked work either. Grandfather wanted to buy a good cow from him. The agreement was that Grandfather should pay for her with work. He worked all one summer every day and when he finally got the cow she was so old and good for nothing she only lived a short time. Her teeth were even gone. However they loved the church despite its officers and never ceased hoping for better things. They were gradually learning the language and knew if they could conquer that obstacle several of the people who had taken advantage of their ignorance would be out their victims. That July a little son, was born to them. Grandmother’s work had only built up a wonderful bulwork of health. Three days after the baby's birth, she was out weeding the garden. Up at the head of the Creek was a farm used to support the missionarys. Their hard work and faithful religious natures won them an appointment to this farm. Here the next baby was born, a girl.

Next they took up a place on the west of the mission farm and at last had the priviledge of building a home of their own. Gradually they learned the language; they built a home which was comfortable and roomy. They planted an orchard which is still the pride of that community and its present owner, and they won the love and respect of the people. Grandfather had about eight acres of lucerne which he always cut with a scythe and carried home on his back with a rope to stack. He scoffed at cutting such a small amount with machinery. He said such light work merely kept him in trim. Later he and Grandmother retired at Preston, Idaho, taking the baby girl with them. Grandfather died in 1913, a staunch Latter Day Saint, despite the suffering his belief had brought him. Grandmother died last fall October 29, 1930. Honored by her children, admired and loved by her friends. Her life has inspired many to better life and more faithful adherence to God.

2005, April 4:  Document transcribed by Matthew and Quinn Young from a photocopy of a typewritten document.  The author is unknown, but it is apparently one of George and Rosetta Young's children.  Spelling and punctuation are original.